Map of USA with Tennessee highlighted
Annual Report
to the General Assembly 2015


Educate Discover Connect Financials Enrollment

From the President Joe DiPietro

Joe DiPietro raising his right hand and speaking to a group of people

Throughout the state and in every one of its counties, the University of Tennessee makes an impact that makes life better for all Tennesseans—whether in a classroom, a laboratory, a hospital, or a farmer’s field.

We have a role unlike any other Tennessee institution, and we’re proud of that. We have a land-grant mission; we co-manage a U.S. Department of Energy national lab; we achieved $436 million in research and sponsored projects funding in fiscal year 2015; and we graduate more than 10,000 of Tennessee’s best and brightest every year.

We also have a revenue problem. It’s ours to fix, and we’re working on it. In 2014, I introduced the reality of our broken business model to our Board of Trustees. I told them about the $377 million funding gap projected over the next 10 years, and they agreed with me that tuition increases are not the way to close that gap. We chose to take a hard look at our funding structure, committed to keeping a UT education affordable while achieving long-term sustainability.

We formed the Budget Advisory Group and initiated work on making the University more effective, efficient, and entrepreneurial, while maintaining its excellence. The group created a set of budget parameters for the fiscal year that began on July 1, 2015. Those parameters have already made a difference—in June our Board approved the lowest tuition increases in 30 years.

Strong state support also made a difference—I’m grateful that the governor and legislature provided increased funding for our UT Institute of Agriculture, UT Institute for Public Service and UT Health Science Center that will enhance each institution’s capacity to serve Tennesseans. In 2014, these institutions provided a combined outreach to more than 4.4 million people statewide.

I’m also grateful for state funding for a 4-H center for West Tennessee and for the thousands of UT Advocates who communicated the importance of this facility.

Our advocates made a visible impact for UT, and I believe the public funding for the University demonstrates the state’s recognition of the powerful impact UT has throughout Tennessee.

Educate. Discover. Connect. It’s what we do, and it’s how we make an impact for the good of all Tennesseans.

All the best,

UT President Joe DiPietro

By the Numbers

$436 million
in research and sponsored projects in FY2015

UT has 362,000 total alumni.

200,000 of this total live in Tennessee.

$4.6 Billion
Estimated economic impact of UT on the Tennessee economy in FY2014.

dollar bill icon

UT also created or impacted about
75,000 jobs.

calculator icon

UT’s Institute for Public Service helped Tennessee companies generate
$600 million toward the state’s economy

In 2015, UT tuition increased by the lowest percentage in more than 30 years: 3 percent for undergraduates at Knoxville, Chattanooga and Martin.

UT Health Science Center Statewide Locations

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center is responsible for 26,700 jobs across the state and contributes almost $2 billion every year to Memphis’ financial landscape.

The economic impact from the UT Health Science Center accounts for 5.6 percent of the total personal income earned in the Memphis area, making the university a major contributor to the local economy.

In addition to the Memphis campus, UTHSC has major locations in Chattanooga, Knoxville and Nashville, and more than 100 clinical and educational sites across the state.

map showing multiple locations of hospitals, clinics and research sites in every corner of the state of Tennessee. The cities Memphis, NAshville, Chattanooga and Knoxville are all highlighted as well.

 Hospital Affiliations

College of Dentistry
 Educational & Clinical Sites

College of Graduate Health Sciences
 Educational & Research Sites

College of Health Professions
  Educational & Clinical Sites (Audiology & Speech Pathology, Medical Laboratory Science, Health Informatics & Information Management, Physician Assistant Studies, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy)

College of Medicine
 Major Sites
 Community-Based Clinical Faculty
 Graduate Medical Education Clinical Rotation Sites


College of Nursing
 Clinical Contract Sites
 Faculty Practice Sites

College of Pharmacy
 Major Sites
 Clinical Education Centers
 Clinical Rotation Sites
 Community Residency Sites
 Institutional Residency Sites

Since the COMPLETE COLLEGE TENNESSEE ACT was implemented in 2011

System-wide graduation rate
increased 7%
(from 53.1% to 56.9%)
System-wide degrees awarded
increased 11.4%
(from 10,132 to 11,284 annually)

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