Archived: One UT Grants Process
Awards announcement
To promote the University’s three-pronged mission to educate, discover and connect, the University of Tennessee System announces the One UT Collaboration and Innovation Grants. The goal of this new program is to support innovative ideas, create collaborative opportunities and advance the university in three key areas – student success, research and outreach and engagement.
The UT System will invest up to $500,000 in each of the three categories, up to $1.5 million total. Responsive proposals should promote collaboration across units, campuses and institutes as well as long-term sustainability. Successful projects will also include clear, measurable outcomes and demonstrable, sustainable impacts.
The deadline to apply (Feb. 3, 2020) has passed.
Please email your questions to
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the deadline for submission?
The deadline is 11:59:59 PM CST February 3, 2020.
Can I submit multiple proposals?
Sure, but each proposal should represent an independent idea.
Do I submit on Cayuse? When?
Each proposal must be submitted as one PDF file sent to
If the review committee decides to fund your proposal, that funding is contingent upon routing and approval via CayuseSP.
Do not submit your proposal on Cayuse until you have been asked by the review committee to do so.
Does my proposal have to involve more than one campus?
No; however, proposals that engage partners across disciplines, campuses or communities will be scored more favorably in the collaboration criterion.
May grant funds be used to buy out course releases for faculty or to provide faculty stipends?
Grant funds may not be used for faculty compensation in any form (e.g., salary, stipends, course releases, summer support, etc.).
Can my proposal budget include funds for graduate student / postdoc / staff compensation, advertising, travel and equipment?
Yes, funds can be used for student / postdoc / staff compensation, advertising, travel and equipment. It cannot be used for faculty compensation.
Can a postdoc lead a proposal?
Yes, a postdoc may lead a proposal.
May my proposal include a letter of support as an appendix in place of the figures page?
Yes, your proposal may include a letter in support of your proposal as an appendix in place of the figures page.
Can I adjust the space available in the text boxes on the proposal form to “reallocate” space for answers, even if I don’t increase the overall length of the proposal?
No, the text boxes should not be resized. You may wish to consider using the 2 pages of appendices that are allowed, keeping in mind the limitations re: content and the number of pages, included below for your reference:
- Proposals should not exceed three pages, excluding references and figures. One page of references and one page of figures may be included as appendices.
- Proposals plus the appendices must not exceed five pages.
How do I submit the application form and attachments as one file?
Please convert the application form, plus figures / references into one PDF. You can do this electronically in Adobe or by printing everything out and scanning it into one document.
Can you provide a link to the UT System Strategic Plan?
Here is the link to the UT System Strategic Plan:
Have another question that’s not answered here? Contact
Dec. 12, 2019 | Information Session (in person or teleconference) |
Feb. 3, 2020 | Proposals due |
May 2020 | Awards Announced |
May 28, 2022 | Project Completion Date |
Aug. 9, 2022 | Final Report Due |
Guidelines and Proposal Requirements
Proposals should address:
- Project Description
- The Team
- Work Plan
- Outcomes & Impact
- Budget & Budget Justification
One UT Collaboration and Innovation Grants are open to all UT faculty and staff at all campuses, institutes and Extension/field offices.
- Proposals should clearly respond to the questions presented in the proposal application.
- Proposals should represent new ideas that increase UT’s impact in one of the three grant categories.
- Proposals should not exceed three pages, excluding references and figures. One page of references and one page of figures may be included as appendices.
- Proposals plus the appendices must not exceed five pages.
Evaluation Criteria
- Innovation – (25%)
- Collaboration – (25%)
- Impact – (25%)
- Alignment with UT System Strategic Plan – (25%)